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- Civil and commercial litigation team
Zhou Wenge
He holds a bachelor's degree of law from China University of Political Science and Law and is a full-time lawyer, a member of Shanghai Law Society, a member of the All China Lawyers Association, a member of the 10th Shanghai Bar Association Social Conflict Resolution Committee and an executive director of Beijing Jingda (Shanghai) Law Firm.
京大律师事务所上海分所副主任周文革,先后从事过教师、公务员职业,1994年12月起专职从事法律服务行业,二十多年来共担任200余家单位的法律顾问,涉及政府机关、政府部门以及房地产开发、建筑工程、装潢设计、染织服装、电子商务、茶叶加工等多个行业领域; 办理民商事诉讼案件1000余件以及故意杀人、抢劫、盗劫、强奸、故意伤害、交通肇事、聚众斗殴、寻衅滋事、合同诈骗等刑事辩护;